What is Point of Sale (POS) Invoicing System?
It is the online real-time system used for documentation of sales which connects FBR’s system to computerized sales system if Tier-1 retailers. There is no need for retailers to purchase any machine to connect to that system as they can get connected by simply downloading an app ‘Tax Asaan App’ on their smartphones. QR code or barcode automatically gets printed on the invoice generated through the sale by the retailer. Customers can easily verify their sales tax payment by Tax Asaan App installed on their smartphones. This system will help retailers in automatic preparation of sales tax returns that will also help them to reduce their expenditures. The use of POS system will also end the periodic inspection on FBR officials. POS system is working successfully at 3824 outlets of 70 top textile and leather brands for over a year. This system has been on all restaurants in Islamabad and all shopping store chains across the country from November 2019. This app is availabl...